Revues de presse - Actualités Dufour Yachts


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Revues de presse

1 mars 2012
Yacht - 36 Performance (GERMAN)
"Durchdacht entwickelt, konsequent umgesetzt. Die neue Dufour 36 bringt ein dickes Paket an Novitäten und Besonderheiten mit. Und strotzt im YACHT-Exklusivetest vor Leistungswillen"
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1 déc. 2011
Sail Magazine - 45E Performance (ENGLISH)
"The Dufour 45E is a fine family boat with plenty of performance and excellent sailing qualities. It is always difficult for a builder and designer to cooperate in the creation of a good-looking boat that sails well and is economical to produce, but Dufour and Felci have managed to do just that"
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1 nov. 2011
Sails - 40E Performance (ENGLISH)
"Passage-making with panache. Bright and breezy sailing conditions during the recent whitsundays race weeks put Dufour's sleek, stylish, french-built 40 footer to the test. And so did we, while reveling in the close racing and natural beauty around the island courses, Anthony Twibill came away impressed that such a comfortable yacht could also be so fast"
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1 juil. 2011
Cruising World - 45E Performance (ENGLISH)
"Dufour 45E Performance: An award-Winning Package"
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1 janv. 2011
New Sailboat Review - 45E Performance (ENGLISH)
"Dufour 45E: Speed, comfort and good manners"
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1 déc. 2010
Sail Magazine - 40E Performance (ENGLISH)
"Dufour 40E: An exciting racer-cruiser"
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1 juil. 2010
Fare Vela - 40E Performance (ITALIAN)
"Il cantiere di La Rochelle aggiorna la sua linea Performance. Otto anni dopo il lancio del suo capostipite e sempre insieme con Umberto Felci: ecco un 12 metri sportivo e polivalente"
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1 juil. 2010
Giornale della Vela - 40E Performance (ITALIAN)
"La crociera è più facile. Rivoluziona la crociera con la disposizione delle manovre pensate per governare la barca da soli. Adotta soluzioni che rendono la navigazione più comoda e le linee di carena sono pensate per vincere in regata. Insomma, una barca veramente all-round"
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1 juin 2010
Barco a Vela - 40E Performance (SPANISH)
"Regatas en familia. La eslora más habitual en los campos de regata de clubes sigue siendo la de 40 pies. Ahora Dufour Yachts, de la mano del diseñador Humberto Felci, ha lanzado este 40E con nuevo casco donde destaca la facilidad de maniobra sin abandonar la capacidad de rendimiento ni el confort interior"
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1 janv. 2010
Yacht - 40E Performance (GERMAN)
"Die Vorgängerin war steif, schnell, hübsch und individuell sowie sieg- und ertragreich. Dem Boot folgt nun mit der 40E eine komplette Neuentwicklung"
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1 nov. 2009
Voiles et Voiliers - 40E Performance (FRENCH)
"Dufour 40 E Performance: Pas juste une évolution du précédent, mais un autre Dufour 40. Carène, cockpit, aménagements, tout est nouveau. Et réussi"
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1 oct. 2009
Voile Magazine - 40E Performance (FRENCH)
"Dufour 40 E Performance: La relève est assurée !"
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