#You&Us - From design to manufacturing - Aktuelles - Dufour Yachts

#You&Us - From design to manufacturing

#Inside #WeStayWithYou #WeeklyProgram

Sébastien Nolasco, product manager at Dufour, talks to us about the creation process right up to industrialization, taking the two new models, Dufour 530 and the Dufour 61 as an example.

We are taking this opportunity to share the first exclusive images of the Dufour 530, filmed during the trials carried out by the design office, just before the stay-at-home order, in wonderful weather conditions.

We are delighted to be able to share this information with you, while we wait to get back on the pontoons again.

Take care.

(To access to the video, please click on the picture on the left)